The term Cloud Computing is in a kind of hype at this moment in IT, I discovered this wonderful blog through Google Translated search and proposed the administrator if he can allow me to write one or two articles on Cloud Computing which are still not covered.
Kindly consider my inability to express rightly in English Language. I have used Google Translator to translate my original writing on Cloud Computing to English. I hope respected Administrator will correct my mistakes and it will not create a glith in understanding of the basics of Cloud Computing on the Desktop.
What is Cloud computing
I can see in this blog there is already an article on what is meant by Cloud Computing, So, I am not explaining Cloud Computing from the beginning, just to mention few important points.
The term Cloud Computing is a marketing concept that the reference to a specific technology, as each one defines Cloud Computing for you. In essence, the Cloud Computing provider provides online applications accessible from a web service (typically a browser), with software and data stored on remote servers. At first this architecture can be decomposed into several components, all agreed in principle on a network, including communicating with web services using Cloud Computing. Often, however, only use the two main components: the frontend and backend.
The frontend is the part that makes the user interface, the access device running the software on the Cloud Computing Infrastructure. The backend is just the cloud itself, which can theoretically be made up of several services or servers interconnected in a local network or back into the Cloud Computing platform.
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