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There are many legends about something that has no a
priori scientific definition, something like the
recipe for Coca Cola. All we tasted their wisdom to
make it, but nobody is able to reproduce accurately.
But how and to what is calculated based on our Page
It would be unfair to say that the Page Rank is
calculated as the square root of the sum of the two
sides squared. Obviously we define to Google, as an
algorithm, even team is behind, because despite the
magic that some believe that Google is sometimes do
manually, the company philosophy to make sense of the
information of millions of websites, can not be a
manual task. So if we think of google algorithms, we
can, as in every computer, do a little reverse
engineering. So it is very important to know how
google calculate page rank.
What variables in the calculation of Page Rank?
About a year ago there were those who held the idea
that accumulate the highest number of links to your
own web page made up the Page Rank. From a logical
stand point, not a bad idea considering that the Page
Rank in short, is nothing but a popularity rating. If
our site gets many links means it's very popular ….
This proposal was not without foundation and it is
true that Google is fairly supported this conclusion,
so that webmasters began to realize that spamming, for
thousands of sites became more popular your website,
not only for users outside the advertised content, but
Google itself, which felt deceived by these techniques
greatly expanded to popular sites that did germinate
links and more links for hundreds of public forums.
After several updates Google reacted. And it is quite
absurd to think that you can fool par excellence who
defines the game, simply because what happens is that
the end of each item is put new rules.
Google takes action and then determines what I call
particularly the 'quality of links'. If you look or
use the Google webmaster tools http://www.google.com/
webmasters can see how many links there to our
Well the answer is simple. Not all the links on our
site prove to be quality links to google and relevant
to our site. When Google crawls the content of Web
pages, ranks pages by their content, and is able to
draw thematic relations. It would be very suspicious
link from a website that offers sunglasses, as a web
100seotips because … .. What the link brings the user
looking for sunglasses?
Will this mean that the link is not relevant? Well
actually it is. These links have no weight in the
calculation of our Page Rank, they are simply
discarded, but be careful, that does not mean that
from that page of sunglasses, we can recover traffic.
This does not mean that the link is useless, of course
if it is, if the goal is to raise our Page Rank.
Can you give a link quality independently?
We can not really do have a quality link or not. That
quality, in our bond, it is given by the environment,
where it is located, which, beyond being a reference
to our site, and what that entails, it is very
unlikely to think that our Page Rank is being served
from some special links we have defined.
As I said a couple of times from this page, everything
is much simpler than it seems. No magic. And if anyone
thinks that what Google is unfair, that values, who is
more unjust, and why.
When Google gets an algorithm capable of providing
quality links, that's when it determines that a page
can do inherit quality standard to the page
This means that a page with Page Rank 6 can linker to
another, barely relevant, and the second can of
overnight, displayed as a page with Page Rank 4.
Really a popularity rating of 4, is the right to a
page that has just appeared as new in Google, and
barely contained coverage?
Following this has created a black market of companies
that have dedicated themselves to promote traffic
links. I'll sell you my Page Rank 7 site with a link
to that reaches your Page Rank 6. The Page Rank 6
reaches, using the same philosophy sell links on your
page to give Page Rank 5 to other pages, and so on.
Logically, this deteriorates the philosophy of the
concept of Page Rank, since pages completely unknown
and with little relevance in the form of overnight, is
positioned as popular websites, which is a lie, and
use this privileged position to embezzle the concept
and enriched by a hoax.
Google changes its algorithm again determines the link
agreements, purchased, and misused, and decides to be
ignored in its calculation of Page Rank. This means
that thousands of web pages that were sustained with
little backlinks to their sites, only with 2 or 3
links purchased from websites of high Page Rank,
positions became ridiculous, completely destroying the
roots, and at a stroke, with the companies had based
their core business to speculate on a specific concept
of Google, and was not intended that some were giving.
Now many will explain the reason for the delay in
their Google Page Rank Update this last time. Google
"was working on it!"
And then now how is it going?
Then at the end of all this discussion we return to
the top, but not at the beginning of this document,
but the first line of this blog. Internet appreciates
good content as the best weapon to compete online. If
your content is good and useful, users will tell
Google, put in a good place, that this content
interests me, serves me, and exactly what I'm looking
for when I put these words in the search.
Today Google has an algorithm for calculating Page
Rank highly compensated. On the one hand, valuing only
what are quality links, and should be part of the
equation, where they come and Page Rank are the pages
that provide, and how the growing volume of these
Of course, "if the page grows in quality links, the
page is popular."
So what must be done to increase the Page Rank?
Only one thing can be done. Give your users the
information they expect when they visit your site. I
visit because they expect to find either the content
that you now have your users come back to visit, or
because they hope to find how your site presents and
think about the content you characterized.
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